Our 2024 Recap!
December 10th, 2024
There are many exciting things the Kennell Ortho team accomplished during the year 2024. Now it is already coming to an end! Let us do a quick recap for you on some of our favorite highlights!
The first thing that comes to mind is our trip to the AAO meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. This was a great experience for the KO team to bond and to learn how to become a better office collectively. We learned communication skills, how to use our materials effectively, how to keep our ourselves and our patients safe, and got up to speed on what's new in the orthodontic world.

After the trip to the AAO conference, we were influenced to buy the latest i-Tero scanner which is much faster and much more efficient!

We updated our Rewards Program by adding a $10 Walmart gift card as one of our prizes.

We tried our first Invisalign Palate Expander that went very well (read more in our blog from November, "What is an Invisalign Palate Expander"). We have also had lots of our patients starting Phase I Invisalign treatment in general. We have had great results and have been impressed by how responsible our younger patients are.

Along with the Phase I Invisalign, there are now stickers that patients can stick on their aligners to add some fun!

We now offer Croc charms to any of our patients that come into our offices wearing their Crocs. We just got new ones in for the Holiday season!

Dr. Kennell attended the Invisalign Study Club in Costa Rica. He got to see how they actually create the Invisalign aligners and so much more!

Dr. Kennell took the KO team to see Mamma Mia Live in Boston! Then we enjoyed a delicious dinner at Nico Ristorante!

The whole KO team celebrated Halloween by dressing up as the different emotions from the movie Inside Out 2! So fun! The KO team also attended the annual Lakes Region Dental and Oral Surgery Halloween Party!

We delivered yummy pies to our referring dental offices to show our appreciation!

The front porch at the Laconia office was completely redone with new steps and railings! We hope you like it as much as we do!

Before we are off for the holidays, the KO team got together for a Christmas party at Gusto. Dr. Kennell bought personalized tote bags for everyone. Katie made personalized ornaments. All of us swapped gifts and played fun games! Good times had by all!

We hope you all have safe, happy, and healthy holidays. We can't wait to see what this New Year brings!