The Newest Technology at Kennell Orthodontics!

June 12th, 2024

As most orthodontic patient's might remember, getting alginate impressions of their teeth was never an enjoyable experience. The ooey-gooey material would take what felt like forever to set up and always made everyone want to gag! It was something you wouldn't forget and that you hoped you'd never have to do again!

Thankfully, technology has advanced so much over the years that alginate impressions are not as common in orthodontic offices. Digital intraoral scanners, such as the I-Tero, have been created to capture every nook and cranny of the teeth in a much easier and efficient way. The scanner is capturing hundreds of pictures per minute to create a 3D impression of the teeth. This 3D impression can now be used for the orthodontist to create a treatment plan. It can also be used to send to the lab to have retainers and other appliances made. So much easier than having to mail out an actual plaster model of the teeth!! It used to take forever!

Here are some of the benefits of using the I-Tero intraoral scanner instead of alginate impressions:

  • Patient Comfort - One of the most important things that matters to our office is that our patients are comfortable during treatment. The I-Tero scanner is much quicker, easier, and much more comfortable than traditional impressions.

  • No more mess or wasted materials - With traditional impressions, you need to size the impression tray meaning you would have to take time to clean the ones not used. Then, you have to quickly mix the alginate material with water really fast to then load it in the impression tray. It gets EVERYWHERE, all over the sinks, all over the assistants, all over the patients. If the impression did not come out good the first time, you have to keep trying until it is right. This means many wasted supplies and materials. With the I-Tero scanner, the only material being switched out for every patient is the wand tip. It is quick and easy to clean the device and put a new one on.

  • Patient Involvement - It is so important for patients to be involved in treatment and understand why we recommend the things we do. With traditional impressions, patients most likely don't get to see their plaster models after they have the impressions done. The I-Tero scanner allows patients to see their teeth as a 3D model, right in front of them. Not many people get to see their teeth from that perspective. It also allows patients to point out their concerns and ask questions!

  • Faster and More Accurate - Traditional impressions may have taken up to 10 minutes to do both top and bottom, but could be longer depending on if you had to re-do them and set-up time. Dr. Kennell's Orthodontic office averaged just over 4 minutes to scan the upper and lower arches with a bite scan. Way faster! The I-Tero scanner is so much more accurate and precise compared to traditional impressions that could have bubbles and voids.

  • Efficiency - After impressions were done, they were made into plaster models of the teeth and had to be mailed to labs and also took up a lot of space to store them. Now, with the click of a button the 3D models can be sent to the lab in seconds. Then they are 3D printed to make appliances, aligners, and or retainers out of! Super efficient!

What a mess!

Quick and easy!

All three of Dr. Kennell's offices, Laconia, Littleton, and Plymouth are equipped with one or more I-Tero scanners of the newest model. After recently going to the AAO conference in Louisiana, the Kennell Orthodontics team was able to try out the newest I-Tero wand. Being able to physically try out the wand convinced Dr. Kennell and his team that they needed it in their offices!!

The I-Tero "Lumina" intraoral scanner has even more benefits:

  • Takes high-quality, photorealistic scans
  • Has a wider field of view, making it easier to capture
  • Ergonomically easier on the assistants
  • More comfortable for patients since the wand is 50% smaller than the older version
  • 2x the speed to capture the entire mouth

Dr. Kennell's orthodontic office is excited to share this new technology with their patients to make for an even better experience! He will continue to stay up to date with the newest technology, who knows what will be created next!!

Common Invisalign Questions

April 9th, 2024

With Invisalign becoming more and more popular, you may be wondering what to expect if you were to get Invisalign treatment. There are many common questions we get asked on a day to day basis at Kennell Orthodontics. Thankfully, Dr. Kennell and his team are here to put your mind at ease!

First of all, lets start with, How does Invisalign treatment work?

Using 3-D computer imaging technology, Invisalign creates a series of custom-made, clear aligners exclusively for your teeth, based on the treatment plan that we specify for you. Each aligner moves teeth incrementally and is worn for two weeks, then, is switched out for the next aligner in the series until the final position is achieved.

Will I experience pain during treatment?
Most people experience temporary discomfort for a few days after a new aligner is placed. This feeling of pressure is normal and is a sign that Invisalign is working by sequentially moving your teeth to their final destination.

Can other people see that I'm in treatment?
One of the benefits of Invisalign is that the aligners are clear. Most of our patients need to have little bumps placed on their teeth called attachments to help guide the teeth into the aligner, but luckily these attachments are tooth colored and are also not very noticeable.

Are there any foods I shouldn’t eat while in treatment?
You can eat normally during the entire course of treatment. One of the advantages of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable. We do ask for you to be aware that attachments could fall off if you were to eat something too hard, but other than that there are not restrictions to your eating. Simply take the aligners out before each meal, brush your teeth before reinserting the aligner. If you are unable to brush your teeth due to being at work or school, a good rinse with water will do the trick too!

What about chewing gum?
We recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks, as gum and other chewy substances can stick to the aligners.

How often must I wear my aligners?
The most important part of the Invisalign treatment is that you wear your aligners for any progress to be made. With saying that, aligners should be worn all day, except when eating, brushing, and flossing.

Will my speech be affected by the aligners?
As with any orthodontic treatment, aligners may temporarily affect your speech. If this does happen, your tongue will adjust within a day or two and your speech should return to normal.

Can I smoke during treatment?
We discourage smoking while wearing the aligners as they may become discolored.

How do I clean my aligners?
The best way to clean your aligners is by brushing and rinsing them in lukewarm water. Invisalign also provides you with "cleaning crystals" to put in a cup of water with your aligners. You can use these every so often and leave them in overnight to give them an extra good cleaning.

How often must I visit the office during treatment?
For most patients, we will provide you with 4-5 aligners at a time. This makes visits every 8-10 weeks which is frequent enough for us to determine that your treatment is progressing properly. We will provide you with a specific schedule that supports your individual treatment plan.

Dr. Alan Kennell has OVER 20 YEARS experience and extensive training with Invisalign. General dentists receive minimal orthodontic training in dental school and usually attend a weekend hotel course to learn how to do Invisalign. If your dentist (or your child's dentist) offers orthodontic treatment, insist on seeing an orthodontic specialist! If you have any questions please give our Laconia, Plymouth or Littleton offices a call.

Can I Still Whiten My Teeth during Invisalign Treatment?

February 14th, 2024

A common question you might be wondering is if you can still whiten your teeth while being in Invisalign treatment. We used to always inform patients that they should wait until they are done with treatment to use whitening strips. It still holds true that you should not use whitening strips, but there is now a solution to the whitening!

Invisalign now offers the Invisalign Professional Whitening System that is safe to use during and after your treatment.

Why it is safer to use this system than whitening strips is because it will be able to whiten your teeth despite the attachments. Trying to use a whitening strip would not be able to go through the attachments, leaving spots that are not as white when they some day come off. This Invisalign Professional Whitening System contains 10% carbamide peroxide formulation which breaks down into water, oxygen, and reactive oxygen molecules. The reactive oxygen molecules are what are able to change the stained molecules, making them lighter. Due to this reaction, the whitening solution will spread through the entire tooth without actually having to cover every part of it. So even the tooth surface underneath the attachments will still be getting whiter just the same.

The at-home kit allows you to easily whiten your teeth professionally! The kit comes with 4 syringes of whitening gel. At Dr. Kennell's orthodontic office they are sold for $150 and can be used throughout your treatment. It is instructed for you to lightly insert the gel just enough to cover the aligner so that it does not overflow to your gums. It is recommended for you wear them for at least 8-10 hours to get the full benefits. It is important to know that if you start to feel any sensitivity during these whitening treatments, you should take the aligners out. Using a toothpaste like Sensodyne along with your treatments will be helpful in reducing the sensitivity. This whitening gel is also made with potassium nitrate, used to reduce dental hypersensitivity, and fluoride, which helps strengthen the teeth.

Luckily, this whitening system can be used for Invisalign patients (during and after treatment), any patients that are in a Vivera/clear retainer, or anyone that is simply interested in just whitening their teeth! Make sure to ask your orthodontist/dentist about the Invisalign Professional Whitening System next time you are in the office, it will be worth it!

November is TMJ Awareness Month

November 6th, 2023

What is TMJ anyways? TMJ stands for the Temporomandibular Joints, which are two joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull.

It is important to bring awareness to TMJ as approximately 36 million Americans suffer from TMJ disorders. TMD stands for the Temporomandibular disorders which are a common group of related pain conditions involving the TMJ, jaw muscles and associated structures.

The symptoms to look for are:

  • Pain in the TMJ or jaw muscles
  • Joint sounds such as clicking or popping
  • Limitations in jaw movement
  • Tension in face or neck
  • Headaches, especially in the temples
  • Difficulty chewing/swallowing
  • Fatigue

Once diagnosed, there are some ways to help ease the pain on your own. For example, eating softer foods, avoiding repetitive functions (nail-biting, chewing gum), using heat packs, or practicing relaxation techniques to minimize jaw tension. If that does not do the trick, it could be beneficial to let your dentist know. Your dentist will be able to to recommend some jaw exercises, prescribe medications if it is necessary, or even create a night guard/bite plate to decrease the clenching and grinding you may be experiencing.

Can orthodontic treatment help TMJ disorders?

Orthodontic treatment CAN be helpful in treating TMJ disorders, but it is never a GUARANTEE that it will completely fix it. An orthodontist or a dentist could recommend the use of a night guard to help the jaw muscles relax and heal while you are asleep. If a patients occlusion is the main factor in causing TMJ, then getting braces or Invisalign treatment could be recommended by your orthodontist.

If prior techniques do not seem to be working, it would be a great idea to at least schedule a consultation. Thankfully, Dr. Kennell at Kennell Orthodontics of Laconia, NH offers FREE consultations. He will give a detailed exam and provide his expertise on what actions to take next. If this sounds like something you have been experiencing, come see us soon!

Sweet Summer Time & 4th of July

July 5th, 2023

School is out for Summer and we're ready for sunshine and time to relax!

As school ends and you're on Summer break, we still want you to be conscious of the foods you're eating. If you're in Invisalign treatment you may remove your Invisalign trays and consume whatever foods you wish. (Making sure you brush well before putting your trays back in).

Here are a list of brace safe foods and treats!

  • Sugar Cookies
  • Chocolate Bars without nuts or caramel
  • Ice Cream
  • Cup Cakes
  • Hamburgers
  • Hot Dogs
  • Fruit
  • Potato Salad
  • Pasta Salad

Foods to Avoid:

  • Corn on the cob
  • Smore's
  • Hard chips or pretzels
  • Popcorn
  • Caramel
  • Gum

We want you to enjoy your summer and indulge in treats, just make sure you're mindful of the things you're eating!

Happy 4th of July!!! -The KO Team

We hope you enjoy a safe & fun summer! And can't wait to hear all about the trips and fun adventures you were able to go on this summer!

Start of summer & Spirit week!

May 30th, 2023

It's almost that time for school to be out for summer! We know you'll be busy with fun summer activities, and we wanted to join in on the fun! The week of June 26th will be a fun filled spirit week here at Kennell Orthodontics. Patients in all three of our locations will be able to take part in this fun filled week! What an easy and fun way to earn patient rewards points too!

Not only is School out for summer & we have spirit week. June is also National Smile Month!

According to the American Dental Association, a person's smile outranked eyes, hair and body as the most important physical feature, which is why it's important for our team at Kennell Orthodontics to support National Smile Month this June!

Here are a few simple steps you can take to improve your oral health so that you may celebrate National Smile Month for many, many years to come:

  •  Brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Here's a helpful video showing you how to brush with your braces on.
  •  Floss every day to clean between your teeth.
  • Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks during your orthodontic treatment with Dr. Kennell.
  •  Visit your dentist regularly (usually every six months apart).

The team at Kennell Orthodontics strives for your satisfaction with every visit and wants you to love your smile!

To schedule an appointment with our office give us a call!

  • Laconia: (603) 524-7404
  • Plymouth: (603) 536-7404
  • Littleton: (603) 444-7403

Braces-Off Celebration

May 7th, 2021

At our office we know that one of the most anticipated appointments for patients is the day they will get their braces off and see their brand new smile for the first time. One of the most fun and rewarding parts of our job is sharing in the excitement alongside them. We decided to dedicate a full day to this on May 4th, and we celebrated Star Wars Day with a Braces-Off celebration!

Our team decorated the office for the occasion with smile balloons, which created the perfect backdrop for fun pictures. One of the best parts about getting your braces off is being able to eat all of the hard and crunchy foods that you couldn't have before. We had this in mind when we gave out special Rocky Mountain candy apple treats to our patients, along with other goodies. We are SO grateful that our Braces-Off celebration was a successful experience for our patients, and we're already planning another Braces-Off celebration in the Fall at our Plymouth location!




2021 Patient Referral Program

March 30th, 2021

Here at Kennell Orthodontics, the greatest compliment we can receive is one of our patients referring a friend or colleague to our practice.

A successful practice doesn’t just happen. It is the result of a strong commitment to excellence in our treatment and in our relationships with patients and doctors. We would like to take a moment to thank you for showing your confidence in our practice by recommending us to your friends and colleagues. We’re gratified to find how many new patients regularly call on us based on your words of advice.


To show our appreciation, we are kicking off our 2021 PATIENT REFERRAL PROGRAM!

If Kennell Orthodontics begins a treatment plan with a new patient (child or adult) from your qualified referral, you will receive a $50 AmEx CASH CARD and be entered to win the 2021 GRAND PRIZE!


One lucky winner will receive a


What to Expect at Your Next Appointment

May 11th, 2020


We are excited to resume normal operations on May 18, 2020!

We can’t wait to see all of our patients once again!  These past few weeks have been quite challenging for ALL of us, but we’ll make it through and be stronger because if it.  All of our patients’ appointments are currently being confirmed, so rest assured if you have not been contacted, you will be.

While the office has been closed, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to ensure we can reopen safely and efficiently.  We have always taken pride in the cleanliness of our office and our strict adherence to infection control standards, and we will continue to provide comfortable, safe, and effective orthodontic care as we resume our regular business hours.

Kennell Orthodontics follows the infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA.)  We stay up to date on all new rulings and guidance issued to ensure we’re adhering to the most current information and recommendations.

However, as you might imagine, we are going to be taking additional safety measures to help protect both our patients and our team.


Here are a few changes we have implemented in the office:

We will be calling patients the day before the appointment to confirm the appointment time and ask a few screening questions.  You’ll be asked these same questions again when you enter the office.

*** Please RE-SCHEDULE your appointment if you feel sick, have a fever, or have been in contact with someone who has been sick in the last 14 days. ***

We ask that everyone entering the building please wear a mask or other acceptable facial covering.

Please do your best to arrive at your scheduled appointment time – not too early and [please!] not late.

  • If you arrive early, we ask that you wait outside the office until your scheduled appointment time.
  • If you are more than 10 minutes late, please call the office to let us know so that we can determine the best time to see you.

The Sign-In screen [and finger scanner] have been temporarily disabled to minimize touching/contamination. Please let the Front Desk Team know when you arrive so they can check you in.

Upon checking-in, a team member will greet you in order to perform a Wellness Screening consisting of a brief Questionnaire, Consent Form, Temperature Check (non-contact), and Hand Sanitizer.

There will also be hand sanitizer available in the reception area and other places around the office for you to use as needed.

Our Team will be wearing enhanced Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including clinical jackets, face shields, enhanced face masks, and safety glasses.  This may vary depending on the risk level of the procedure(s) we are performing.

We have adjusted our schedule as to allow more time between patients in an effort to adhere to social distancing by reducing the number of people in the reception area at one time. This may result in fewer scheduling options for your appointment.

Although sitting in the waiting area will most likely notbe necessary, please do your best to allow ample social distance from others that may also be sitting in the waiting area.

We ask that only 1 adult accompany their child into the office for their scheduled appointment.

Teen and adult patients should come alone, unless a parent/spouse/etc.. has a question for Dr. Kennell about the patient’s treatment.  We ask that everyone else please wait comfortably outside or in your vehicle.

Sadly, the X-Box games and Photo Booth will be off-limits until further notice.

We are no longer offering magazines or other reading materials in the reception area, these items are difficult to keep clean and disinfected.

For now, our Toothbrushing Station is a Handwashing Station.  Please remember to brush your teeth (and floss!) at home, before coming to your appointment.  If you need to brush at the office, we will provide you with a pre-pasted disposable toothbrush to use in the restroom.

Let’s keep all office talk positive and have fun together - safely!

We’re coming up with cool ways to say hello with “virtual hugs” and “virtual handshakes”!

We will still have fun prizes, contests and giveaways! - Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

If you have any questions about your child’s treatment progress or the steps we’re taking to keep you safe, we’re happy to answer them!  You can email us at or give us a call (603) 524-7404.

Thank you for sticking with us through these uncertain times!  You are family to us, and we appreciate you so much.  We can’t wait to see you all in the office again soon!

Keep smiling and stay safe,

Dr. Kennell and The Kennell Ortho Team

A Clear Alternative

November 5th, 2019

There are many options for straightening teeth and the decision of one treatment over another can be overwhelming.  Which treatment is best?  Which will fit your lifestyle?  Which can you afford and maximizes treatment time?  All these questions can be answered by Dr. Kennell and his Kennell Orthodontics team!  One type of treatment offered by Dr. Kennell is Invisalign.  This revolutionary approach uses aligners that are clear, smooth and plastic - versus brackets and wires bonded to your teeth.  This treatment offers the convenience of an orthodontic treatment without interfering with your appearance.  Check out for more information and contact Kennell Orthodontics today to discuss whether Invisalign is right for you!!!

Schedule an