August 20th, 2019
As much as we hate to admit it, August is a reminder in a couple of weeks, Back to School activities will be in full swing! Kennell Orthodontics wants to send your children back to school prepared for school life with braces or new orthodontic treatments. Pack your child their very own "Back to School with Braces" kit - something as simple as a ziplock plastic bag including items such as: Orthopicks, orthodontic rubber bands, mini toothbrush and toothpaste, orthodontic wax, small mirror, floss, retainer case and tissues. This kit can easily be tucked into their backpack or locker and will help as a reminder of orthodontic care even when at school. Start the school year off right with these reminders:
- bring retainer cases to lunch room and keep retainer in it to avoid accidentally throwing it away with lunch trash;
- always wear protective mouth guard for all fall sports - this will help prevent brackets from breaking and inner lip from rubbing against braces.
Stay ahead of the Back to School shopping rush by preparing these orthodontic kits now - kick back and enjoy the last weeks of summer!!
Tags: braces, dental care, kennell ortho, kennell orthodontics, mykosmile, oral hygiene, retainers, school year, student
Posted in braces, Oral Care, Retainers | No Comments
August 6th, 2018
Well August is here, and that means going back to school and September are right around the corner.
Thoughts of sunscreen, swimming in the lake, and vacation is on your mind just as much as school shopping, homework, and the cool crisp air of fall are. How can you fully enjoy the few weeks remaining of summer with school and going to bed early in the near future?!
Well, my friend, here are some great tips for you to make the most of the last bit of summer weather:
- Dessert for Dinner! Check out your favorite, local ice cream parlor and see if they have any new flavors! If you’re not too hungry, share a sundae with a loved one! Load it up with all your favorite toppings that you’ve been craving all summer long (and that is safe to eat with your snazzy, new braces). When it’s too hot to cook dinner for the family, ice cream is a great problem solver!
- Campfire in the Backyard! This is a classic New England get-together (along with s'mores of course). Get some tunes going and enjoy the beautiful New Hampshire night sky with a gooey, sticky treat in hand. You can even get creative with what you put into your s'mores like, peanut butter cups, Oreos, or Nutella! Make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly after enjoying a sweet s'mores when you have braces! Try to name off some constellations or capture some fireflies and see who can get the most!
- Take a hike! We’re in one of the best states in New England to hike, swim, and surf all in the same day! With almost 50 4,000 footers in our backyard, why not check one off your list?! Going on a weekday could help you stay away from too many hikers and have the trail mostly to yourselves!
These are just a few of the many great activities that you and your family and friends can enjoy in the Granite State before the school year comes around.
Why not spend some time out in the sun and share with us how you make the most of your summer 2018!