March 28th, 2020


Over the last decade, clear braces and clear aligners have increased in popularity. Many people want to improve their smile, and they want it done without traditional metal braces. 

What Are Mail Order Aligners?

According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), orthodontic treatment is a medical service - not a device or product. Since products like Invisalign can be costly, some companies offer alternatives that are available online directly to the consumer for a fraction of the cost of traditional braces. Instead of going into your orthodontist’s office, the online company will send you an at-home impression kit for you to take your own impressions. This can be difficult for someone to do at home with no prior knowledge of how to take dental impressions. Once the impressions are sent back to the company they are reviewed to see if the consumer is a candidate for the treatment. Unfortunately the criteria to be eligible for treatment isn’t very thorough and many patients are accepted despite the fact that they have active dental decay or gum disease.


What Are The Dangers of Mail Order Aligners?

As a consumer it’s important to know that any “do it yourself” dental treatment can come with many potential risks. In an orthodontic office you have a comprehensive exam to see if there are any health concerns that should be addressed before you are treated. You are also evaluated to see what types of treatment would give you the best result. Not all cases can be treated with clear aligners. Many underlying issues can be overlooked when you are just mailing in impressions and photos to an online company. This is why it is important to have an orthodontist’s supervision at every stage of your treatment. 


Is Your Smile Worth The Discount?

With at-home orthodontic treatment, your progress isn’t being closely monitored. Moving teeth too fast can result in serious problems. Routine X-rays should be done during treatment to make sure that your teeth and bone remain healthy. The AAO warns, “Orthodontic treatment involves the movement of biological material, which if not done correctly could lead to potentially irreversible and expensive damage such as tooth and gum loss, changed bites, and other issues.” Everyone deserves a healthy smile that they can be proud of, and it is important to choose a qualified orthodontist that can safely help you get the best result.

Fun Holiday Treats Even when you Have Braces

December 12th, 2019

When the holiday season comes around, there's no need for kids with braces to miss out on the traditional treats! Some candies can damage braces, but there are plenty of safe and tasty snacks to satisfy young taste buds without interfering with orthodontic treatments. In fact, when preparing fun holiday treats with your child, you can include numerous healthy options that build strong teeth at the same time.

Treats to Avoid:

When supermarket shelves are full of brightly packaged treats for the holidays, it's hard not to fill your cart. But for the sake of your child's braces, you still need to scoot past the hard, chewy and sticky foods. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) advises that children with braces should avoid caramel, licorice, lollipops, bubblegum, popcorn, taffy, jelly beans and hard pretzels. Those types of food can easily bend or loosen the brace brackets.

Kids can enjoy the holidays without risking their braces by sticking to soft snacks and by paying extra attention to oral hygiene. The AAO suggests chocolate, peanut butter, milkshakes, gelatin-based candies and ice cream are all fun holiday treats that won't damage braces. Brushing twice a day is especially important during the holidays.

For added assurance that the food you serve is safe on braces, consider making your own!

The Colgate Oral Care Center has some great recipe ideas:

Strawberry Santas:

Slice the bottom off the large end of a strawberry so that it stands upright, and cut off the top quarter. Squirt some whipped cream onto the strawberry's top flat surface, and add two chocolate sprinkles to make the eyes of Santa's face. Place the top quarter of the strawberry back onto the whipped cream to form Santa's hat, and dab some cream on the very top of the strawberry to give his hat its white bobble.

Marshmallow Snowmen:

Melt some white chocolate candy coating in the microwave, and push a stiff straw or wooden skewer through three marshmallows for the three parts of the snowman's body. Dip the marshmallows in the candy coating, and before it sets, press chocolate chips into the top marshmallow to make the snowman's eyes. Add a tiny piece of carrot for his nose – but not too big that one crunch can damage a braces bracket.

Reindeer Cheese:

Cut strips of yellow bell pepper to the shape of antlers with a sharp knife, and push them into the wide end of a soft cheese triangle. Use two pieces of olive to make the reindeer's eyes, and half a cherry tomato to make Rudolph's nose.

Christmas Tree Brownie Lollipops:

Not every lollipop needs to be hard or sticky. Cut brownies into triangles, and decorate them with lines of frosting for tinsel and sprinkles for baubles. Push a brightly colored, stiff straw into one edge of the triangle, as far as it will go without poking out the other side. Snip off the end of the straw to form your lollipop stick.

Sometimes it's hard for kids to understand why they have to endure the fuss and bother of wearing braces, and it can be especially difficult during the holiday season when they can't eat the same treats their friends enjoy. By offering your child enticing alternatives, he or she can have just as much fun as everyone else while benefiting from the long-term bonus of beautifully straight, pearly white teeth.

Happy Holidays!!

Protect Yourself this Cold/Flu Season

December 5th, 2019


It’s that time of year to start thinking about protecting yourself and your family from the flu. Here are some simple steps you can take to help yourself avoid colds and the flu this season.

• Wash your hands before and after brushing
• Allow the brush to air dry after each use, harmful bacteria dies after being exposed to oxygen
• Store the toothbrush in an upright position to allow water to drain and dry faster
• Replace toothbrush after every cold or flu or every 3-4 months when bristles appear worn

To promote a healthy and clean environment, our team gives a great deal of attention to sanitation and sterilization in our office at all times, as well as following all requirements for sterilizing instruments and work surfaces.

For the protection of other patients and our staff, we always ask that patients reschedule their appointments if they have any type of cold or illness that can infect others. We hope this helps and give us a call if you have any questions!

Stay healthy this winter!!

Giving Thanks with Braces

November 21st, 2019

Holidays can feel like a challenge with braces, especially if this is your first holiday season with them.


With Thanksgiving coming up next week, we made a short list of holiday food favorites that are safe for you to eat; as well as ones to avoid when you have braces.


These should be safe for you to eat with braces:

  • Ham and/or Turkey
  • Corn: this can be tricky, while you shouldn’t have corn on the cob, cream corn is fine
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Stuffing (as long as there are no nuts or crunchy foods hidden within it)
  • Green beans (with the same warning to be on the look out for crunchy items in casseroles)
  • Most desserts are safe as long as they aren’t too crunchy or have anything to sticky like caramel etc on them.

Here are some foods to avoid this holiday season, and the rest of the year!

  • Caramel (as mentioned above)
  • Popcorn
  • Chips
  • Nuts

Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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